Telephoning > Outgoing Calls > Initiating Callback on No Response

Initiating Callback on No Response
If no one answers on the connection you are calling, proceed as described in the following.
Select recall and confirm with OK.
If callback is configured, you receive the message recall activated.
Note: When operated on the PBXs COMpact 3000 analogue/ISDN/VoIP, COMpact 5010 VoIP, COMpact 5020 VoIP, COMpact 4000, COMpact 5000/R, COMpact 5200/R, COMpact 5500R and COMmander 6000/R/RX: If you want to delete the callback, press the delete key in the redial list.
As soon as the connection is used, the public exchange/PBX or for external callback calls you for period of 20 seconds.
If you do not pick up the receiver within the 20 seconds during which the public exchange/PBX calls you, the callback instruction is deleted.
If you want to cancel the callback, select reject and confirm with OK.
A callback on an external subscriber is tried up to 45 minutes by the public exchange. If the called person did not finish his call until then, the callback will be deleted automatically.
If you pick up the receiver, the subscriber is called.

COMfortel 1200 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019