No call acceptance: The call made by the corresponding caller is not accepted by the answering machine.
Only announcement: The caller hears the announcement selected under
Announcement; however, he cannot leave a message on the answering machine.
Announcement and recording: The caller hears the announcement selected in the
Announcement list field and can then leave a message on the answering machine.
no call accept.: The call made by the corresponding caller is not accepted by the answering machine.
announcem. only: The caller hears the announcement selected under
Announcement; however, he cannot leave a message on the answering machine.
announc. and rec.: The caller hears the announcement selected under
Announcement and can then leave a message on the answering machine.
Note: At the Selection of the calls to be accepted, in the third menu line, you can switch over between the different call types (external calls, internal calls, door calls, anonymus calls and call types of contacts).