Local Answering Machine
> Data Exchange
Data Exchange
COMfortel Set can be used to transfer data, for example, recorded announcements, from the SD card to a PC or, in the other direction, from a PC to an SD card.
If the SD card is inserted into the SD slot on the telephone, a directory structure is automatically created on the SD card. The root directory of this directory structure is named CF1400. The following directories are created in this directory:
ANNOUNCE (location where newly recorded announcements are saved)
BACKUP (location of the backups)
BOOT (location of the firmware files)
CONFIG (location of the configuration files)
FACES (not being used)
MEMO (location of the memos)
MESSAGES (location of the messages and call recordings)
PICTURES (location of the wallpapers)
RINGTONE (location of the ringtones)
SYSTEM (location of the synthetically generated signal tones as well as the standard announcements in the various languages)
SD card inserted into slot
COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019