Functions > Follow-me > Switching Follow-me On/Off

Switching Follow-me On/Off
Important: Not available for operation on the PBX COMpact 3000 analogue/ISDN/VoIP.
Proceed as follows:
Authorisation in the PBX for Controlling of the PBX using the telephone
Authorisation in the PBX for CF (groups) / Follow-me
Press the Menu key and open the menu functions > follow-me.
Alternatively, press a function key configured for Follow-me.
deactivate all: Disables all of the currently enabled Follow-me functions. (No other action is required.)
switch on: Enables Follow-me for a subscriber.
switch off: Disables follow-me for a subscriber.
Note: For operation on the PBXs COMpact 2206 USB and COMpact 4410 USB, it is not possible to switch off the follow-me function for a single subscriber. For this reason, the switch off option is not available. The switch on option, on the other hand, is replaced by the following step.
Note: Follow-me can also be disabled on the forwarded telephone by using "Switch off follow-me" for the subscriber's own phone number (for operation on the PBXs COMpact 3000 analogue/ISDN/VoIP, COMpact 5010 VoIP, COMpact 5020 VoIP, COMpact 4000, COMpact 5000/R, COMpact 5200/R, COMpact 5500R and COMmander 6000/R/RX) or "CF subscriber" (for operation on the PBXs COMpact 2206 USB and COMpact 4410 USB).

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019