Service and Maintenance > Data Backup > Data Backup to SD Card

Data Backup to SD Card
Note: Data backup to the SD card is only possible on a COMfortel 1400 with an microSD/SDHC card inserted.
The backup function can be used to either manually or automatically back up the telephone data on the telephone SD card.
A maximum of 14 complete or partial backups can be saved on the SD card. If this number is exceeded, the oldest backup is overwritten.
A directory for each backup is created on the SD card; a file is saved for every partial backup. The files can be backed up from the SD card to a PC.
Instead of a total backup of the telephone, a partial area can be selected for backup. The following areas can be selected:
Configuring Areas for Data Backup on SD Card
Proceed as follows:
Press the Menu key and open the menu settings > Backup > configuration.
Backing up Current Data on SD Card
Note the following legal notes before creating the data backup.
The data backup contains the following legally protected components:
- Configuration of the telephone
- Names of internal subscribers
- Address book of the telephone
- Connection data sets containing destination, source and time information of a telecommunication connection
Before the data backup is created, all telephone users must be informed that these data will be forwarded and must also be informed about who will use the received data. It is absolutely necessary to store the data safely and in accordance with the legal requirements.
It is absolutely necessary to store the data safely and in accordance with the legal requirements.
If you want to make the data backup available to your specialised dealer or to the manufacturer for error analysis, you must make sure that the legal requirements are fulfilled.
Proceed as follows:
Press the Menu key and open the menu settings > backup > telephone -> SD.
The data is backed up in the BACKUP directory on the SD card.
Saving SD Card Data Backups on Telephone
The SD card data also contain the MSN. They can be saved on the telephone with or without the MSN.
Proceed as follows:
If you also want to save the MSN on the telephone, press the Menu key and open the menu settings > Backup > SD -> COMfortel.
If you want to save the data on the telephone without the MSN, press the Menu key and open the menu settings > Backup > w/o MSN -> COMfortel.
The date and time of the data backup are displayed.
The data is saved on the telephone.
Switching Regular Automatic Data Backup On/Off
If automatic data backup is switched on, data will be backed up every day at midnight (as soon as the telephone goes into the idle state).
Proceed as follows:
Press the Menu key and open the menu settings > Backup > automatic .
Select or clear the automatic check box and confirm with OK.

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019