Telephone Book and Lists > Telephone Book > Importing Outlook Contacts

Importing Outlook Contacts
This function enables Outlook data (2002, 2003, XP, 2007, 2010, 2013) to be imported.
Proceed as follows:
Open the page Telephone book and click the Import/export tab.
Click Import Outlook contacts.
In the Country code (0049) entry field, enter your own country code.
In the Replace the country code at the beginning of the number by entry field, enter the code that should replace your own country code during import.
Under Outlook folders to be imported, click Select. Select the folder to be imported and click Open.
In the Name allocation in the telephone book list field, select one of the following options:
Last name, first name: The first and last names saved in Outlook are accepted into COMfortel Set in a last name, first name format.
Last name first name: The first and last names saved in Outlook are accepted into COMfortel Set in a last name first name format.
First name last name: The first and last names saved in Outlook are accepted into COMfortel Set in a first name last name format.
Under Outlook categories to be imported, select or clear the check box for the Outlook categories to be imported.
If you want to select the check boxes for all the Outlook categories at once, under Category selection, click all.
If you want to clear the check boxes for all the Outlook categories at once, under Category selection, click none.
Click Import.
unsynchronised: All previous entries remain unchanged. The data for the contacts to be imported is appended to the telephone book unverified.
Synchronise according to -Last name, first name: If the telephone book already contains a name that also occurs in the contacts to be imported, this data set is not imported. New names are appended to the telephone book along with the corresponding data (max. four phone numbers).
Synchronise after -Phone number/text: If the selected column in the telephone book (x. Phone number/text) already contains an entry that also occurs in the assigned area of the contacts be imported, this data set is not imported. For new phone numbers, a new contact is created in the telephone book with the corresponding name.

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019