Telephoning > Transferring > Calling a Third Subscriber and Transferring to an Active Communication Partner

Calling a Third Subscriber and Transferring to an Active Communication Partner
During a query call, proceed as described in the following.
The active communication partner is indicated by  .
The waiting communication partner is indicated by  .
Select transf. act. call and confirm with OK
As soon as to the person being called picks up the receiver, conduct a third call.
Important: If you must prefix e.g. an exchange line access number when entering/selecting a phone number, depends on the exchange line request (automatic, direct exchange line telephone, internal telephone) that was configured in the PBX (see Advanced Information of the PBX). Exception: With the PBXs COMpact 2206 USB and COMpact 4410 USB in any case external numbers are entered with a leading exchange line access number.
Select transfer.
Both previously active communication partners are connected.
Then return to conducting an individual call with your first communication partner.

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019