Voice Mail and Fax Boxes of the PBX > Remote Access to a Voice Mailbox > Executing Remote Access to a Voice Mailbox

Executing Remote Access to a Voice Mailbox
Proceed as follows:
The voice mailbox accepts the call. You hear the configured announcement.
Note: If the querying internal telephone is the owner/user of the voice mailbox, step 3 will be omitted.
Enter the user PIN or the PIN for remote access and dial #.
Remote access is started. You are led through the remote access menu with the help of various announcements.
0: Opens the Help menu.
1: Opens the main menu.
2: Replays new messages.
3: Replays all of the messages.
4: Jumps back to the previous message.
5: Repeats the message currently being replayed.
6: Jumps to the next message.
7: Deletes the message currently being replayed.
8: Ends replay.
* 10: Disables the voice mailbox.
* 11: Enables the voice mailbox.
* 20: Permits recording and exchanging announcements.
Note: The default announcement and your own announcements, if any have been recorded, will be played back. The following functions are available while your own announcements are being played back:
# selects the currently heard announcement as active announcement.
4 jumps to the previous announcement.
5 repeats the announcement you have just heard.
6 jumps to the next announcement.
7 selects the currently heard or free announcement for changing or recording. Press # to save your announcement or * to cancel the function.
* 30: Disables message forwarding.
* 31: Enables message forwarding.
* 70: Deletes all messages and voice memos.
* 99: Records a voice memo.
Hang-up: Ends remote access.
Note:By dialling 9 while a message is being replayed, the phone number of the caller will be displayed – provided it has been transferred. By pressing the# key, you can initiate a callback to the phone number of the caller.

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019