Basic Knowledge > Introduction to the Operation > Function Keys

Function Keys
You can use COMfortel Set and the telephone to assign functions to freely programmable function keys.
Using COMfortel Set to Assign Function Keys
Open the page Function keys > Assign function keys.
The position of the selected function keys is marked in red at the top of the display.
Note: Key level can be selected by clicking.
Right-click the function key you want to assign and select the corresponding function.
The current assignment of the key will be displayed.
The options switch off, switch on and switch over are available. The options switch off, switch on and switch over determine, if applicable, if the function, depending on the status, can be switched (switch over) with the key, or if it is only possible to switch on or off.
When printing the lettering label, the key name will be adopted for the lettering field.
If there are additional settings, they will be listed in the description of the function key.
Using the Telephone to Assign Function Keys
Press the Menu key and open the define keys menu.
Press the function key that you want to define.
The key settings are shown, if available.
The options switch off, switch on and switch over are available. The options switch off, switch on and switch over determine, if applicable, if the function, depending on the status, can be switched (switch over) with the key, or if it is only possible to switch on or off.
If there are additional settings, they will be listed in the description of the function key.
Tap on save.

COMfortel 1600 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V10 02/2019