Local Answering Machine
> Announcement Settings in the Telephone
Announcement Settings in the Telephone
In the telephone, the announcement settings for the answering machine can be made in another location than in the Configuration Manager. This includes the on/off switching of the announcements, changing the announcement name, recording an announcemenet and deleting an announcement.
Proceed as follows:
Using the telephone (page
> Answering machine > Select answering machine list > Announcement
(in the upper corner on the left in the list field))
Recording announcement
Select an empty announcement >
Enter the announcement name. Subsequently, the announcement will be initiated immediately. After ending the announcement tap
You have the option of re-recording the recorded announcement (
) or listening to it again (
To set the new announcement as the default announcement, tap on
. If you press
, the announcement is no longer used as the default announcement.
Recordings whose recording time is shorter than 3 seconds are not saved.
Announcement on/off
At least one announcement
Select announcement >
The selected announcement will be used instead of the default announcement.
The selected announcement will be switched off and replaced by the default announcement.
Change announcemnet name
At least one announcement
Select announcement >
> Edit name
Enter the announcement name.
Delete annuncement
At least one announcement
Select announcememt >
The marked announcement will be deleted.
COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V09 03/2024