Local Answering Machine > Message Forwarding > Configuring a Message Forwarding Target

Configuring a Message Forwarding Target
A phone number can be entered as a destination for message forwarding. The new messages on the answering machine should be forwarded to the phone number.
Proceed as follows:
Using COMfortel Set to Configure a Function Key for Message Forwarding Target
Open the page Answering machine > Message forwarding.
In the Destination number entry field, enter the destination number for message forwarding.
Note: Click to accept a phone number from the telephone book.
In the Destination number list field, select one of the following options:
Internal no.: Defines the destination number entered as an internal number.
External no.: Defines the destination number entered as an external number.
Using the Telephone to Configure a Function Key for Message Forwarding Target
Press the Menu key and open the menu answer.machine > TAM settings > forward. target.
Note: If you press the telephone book key before entering the destination number, you can select the desired phone number from the telephone book.
Important: If you must prefix e.g. an exchange line access number when entering/selecting a phone number, depends on the exchange line request (automatic, direct exchange line telephone, internal telephone) that was configured in the PBX (see Advanced Information of the PBX).

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019