Functions > Waiting Field Function > Function Key and External Waiting Field

Function Key and External Waiting Field
Important: Only available for operation on the PBXs COMpact 4410 USB, COMpact 5020 VoIP, COMpact 4000, COMpact 5000/R, COMpact 5200/R, COMpact 5500R and COMmander 6000/R/RX.
Press the key to place the caller signalled by the key in the waiting field or establish a connection with the caller from the waiting field. Whether you press the key depends on the current status as displayed by the LED on the key. Refer to the description of LED signalling.
Note: If a caller is placed in the waiting field by pressing the waiting field key, the LED then lights up in yellow next to the key. If a caller is placed in the waiting field either automatically or by another waiting field reception, the LED then lights up in red.
Requirements for operating the function:
Proceed as follows by assigning the function key:
Using COMfortel Set by selecting Waiting field (external)
Using the telephone by selecting waiting field > external
Note: For further information about the general procedures when assigning function keys, see Function Keys.
Additional settings for this function key are described in the following.
Configuration with COMfortel Set
S0 port with the corresponding B channel whose incoming calls shall be monitored (depending on the PBX type).
Your own exchange lineTelephone no 
Phone number of the bundle whose incoming calls shall be monitored (depending on the PBX type).
Configuration with the Telephone
Telephone no
S0 port with the corresponding B channel or phone number of the bundle whose incoming calls shall be monitored (depending on the PBX type).

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019