Basic Knowledge > Configuration Software COMfortel Set > Configuring Interface Used

Configuring Interface Used
Open the menu Options > Interface....
In the Interface list field, select one of the following options:
IP network: Enable the existing connection via the Ethernet interface on the PBX for carrying out the transmission.
USB: Enable the existing connection via the USB interface on the PBX for carrying out the transmission. (No other action is required.)
Note: For an indirect PC connection to the system telephone to be configured, the selection IP network is significantly faster than via other selections.
In the IP address entry field, enter the IP address of the PBX (only applies to the option IP network). Possible entries:
IP address with areas from 0 to 255 (example:
in the IP port (default: 7002) entry field, enter the configuration port for system telephones on the PBX (only applies to the option IP network). Possible entries:
1 to 65535

COMfortel 1400 - Firmware V2.2 - COMfortel Set V3.16 - Advanced Information V07 02/2019