Basic Knowledge > Configuration Manager > Notes for Using the Configuration Manager

Notes for Using the Configuration Manager
The notes for using the Configuration Manager include the following topics:
The Configuration Manager is divided into several areas:
Horizontal Navigation Bar
You can use the horizontal navigation bar to show or hide the Πλοήγηση area. The navigation area contains the Βοήθεια area.
Use the  Αποσύνδεση button in the horizontal navigation bar to log out from the Configuration Manager.
Navigation area
If the navigation area is shown, a vertical directory tree is displayed under Πλοήγηση. Most topics are consolidated under a main topic () to help you identify them. To select the topic or main topic, simply click it. If sub-topics are available, open the list by clicking on it, or on the plus character in front of the main topic. Then click the topic () to select it.
The topic you have chosen opens to the right, on the screen.
Click the or button to open or close the directory tree completely.
A vertical line separates the Πλοήγηση area (with the directory tree) and the selected screen. To enlarge the area, click and hold the cursor above the separator line and slide the line to the location (automatically makes the other areas smaller).
Click the buttons (e.g. Προβολή, Διαμόρφωση) on the selected screen to open subsequent screens that are not listed in the tree. To return to the home screen, click back.
On some screens you can select sub-topics directly by clicking on tabs. The active tab is marked in a different colour.
Help Area
The Βοήθεια area with links to a variety of help topics is located at the bottom of the Πλοήγηση area. This is where you see the help topics that are relevant to the configuration page which is currently open (see Introduction to the Configuration Manager > Help).
Note: The Βοήθεια area can be displayed or hidden.
Logging Out
The  Αποσύνδεση button is located in the horizontal navigation bar. Click  Αποσύνδεση to log out of the Configuration Manager.
Entry, List, and Selection Fields
Important: Any settings you make in the screens with the fields described below must be saved before you leave these screens. To save your settings, click  Αποθήκευση.
Note: The images/symbols shown below will vary depending on the browser and operating system.
" quotation marks
$ dollar sign
% percent sign
< pointy bracket - smaller than
> pointy bracket - higher than
\ backslash
^ caret
[ ] square brackets
{ } curly brackets
Creating, Deleting, Searching for, and Sorting Table Entries
The Configuration Manager displays the lists in table format across multiple screens. Only table rows containing data are shown. A list can be expanded or shortened.
Creating Entries
Click  Νέο.
One line is added to the list.
Click  Αποθήκευση.
The new entry will be added to the list.
Note: If you want to create multiple entries simultaneously, enter the range in the From and Προς entry fields, and then click  Αποθήκευση.
Deleting Entries
The entry will be highlighted.
Note: To select several consecutive entries, click the first and last entry while holding the Shift key down. To select several non-consecutive entries, click each required entry while holding the Ctrl key down.
Click  Διαγραφή and confirm the dialogue with Ναι.
Searching For Entries
If, for example, you are searching for a name, and enter the letter M, all the entries that match this criteria will be displayed automatically. If you enter "Ma", the results will be narrowed down to the relevant entries.
Sorting Entries
Tables can be sorted according to the contents of individual columns.
An arrow will appear next to the column header:
To reverse the sorting sequence, click the column heading again.
If no arrow appears, this means the column cannot be used as a sorting criteria.
Lower Toolbar in the Configuration Manager
Νέο: Add sa blank table row.
Αποθήκευση: Saves changes.
Διαγραφή: Deletes the selected entries.
Πίσω: Returns to the previous configuration page.
Εκτύπωση: Prints the function key label. Set the print format on landscape and the printing scale on 100 %. Alternatively, you can save the document and print it with PDF Viewer.
Configuration Pages
Horizontal Navigation Bar
The presentation/legibility of the Configuration Manager can be affected by browser settings, e.g.:
Note: If the Configuration Manager is not legible because of scaling/zooming of the browser, you can restore the original view (e.g. Mozilla Firefox under Προβολή > Zoom > Κανονικό).

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