Functions > Waiting Field Function (System Telephone) > Switching Waiting Field Reception On/Off

Switching Waiting Field Reception On/Off
Proceed as follows:
Using the telephone (function key or   > Fonctions > Centrale de file d’attente)
In the Opération list field, select one of the following options:
activer: Enables the waiting field reception.
désactiver: Disables the waiting field reception.
It is only possible to switch a waiting field reception off if no callers are present in the waiting field. If more than one waiting field reception is in use, this limitation only applies when only one waiting field reception is switched on.
When the waiting field reception is switched off, the subscriber is automatically logged out of the waiting field incoming group; the subscriber is automatically logged on again when the waiting field reception is switched on again.
Tap on Exécuter.

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V03 12/2020