Voice Mailboxes on the PBX > Message List > Dialling from the Message List

Dialling from the Message List
You can return the call of a caller who left a specific message directly from the message list.
Proceed as follows:
Tous les enregistrements: Displays all the entries saved in the message list.
Uniquement messages: Displays only the messages saved in the message list.
Uniquement mémos vocaux: Displays only the voice memos saved in the message list.
Archive: Displays the voice mailbox archive.
Annonces: Displays the saved and free announcements for the voice mailbox.
Enregistrer mémo vocal: Starts the recording of a voice memo.
The phone number of the caller who left the message is called.

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V03 12/2020