Functions > Do-Not-Disturb > Function Key for Do-Not-Disturb

Function Key for Do-Not-Disturb
Press the key to switch do-not-disturb on or off or to toggle.
In addition, when functions are assigned on the first key level, the status of the function is indicated by the corresponding LED.
Proceed as follows by assigning the function key:
For further information about the general procedures when assigning function keys, see Function Keys.
Additional settings for this function key are described in the following.
Chiamanti da rifiutare 
Rifiuta tutte le chiamate: switches on rejection of all incoming calls (when do-not-disturb is switched on)
Le chiamate anonime vengono rifiutate: switches on rejection of anonymous calls (when do-not-disturb is switched on)
Le chiamate da numeri non presenti nei contatti vengono rifiutate: switches on rejection of all calls except the ones from contacts entered in the telephone book (when do-not-disturb is switched on)
Decidi nuovamente a ogni pressione di un tasto

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V03 12/2020