Functions > Follow-Me > Function Key for Follow-Me

Function Key for Follow-Me
Press the follow-me key to switch follow-me on or off, or toggle it, for an internal subscriber.
Requirements for using the function:
Controlling of the PBX via telephone permission assigned in the PBX
CF (groups)/Follow-me permission assigned in the PBX
Proceed as follows by assigning the function key:
For further information about the general procedures when assigning function keys, see Function Keys.
Additional settings for this function key are described in the following.
disable all: switches all follow-mes off
decide each time the key is pressed
Number to redirect 
Enter the internal number of the subscriber whose calls are to be forwarded.

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V08 12/2020