Power Dialling
> How Power Dialling Works
How Power Dialling Works
You perform power dialling as follows:
After enabling Power Dialling, the telephone starts the first dial attempt after 5-10 seconds.
Every other dial attempt is carried out every 30 seconds.
As soon as the subscriber is no longer busy, and the telephone receives a ringing tone, it switches the loudspeaker on.
The connection is then established, when the person being called picks up the receiver. If they do not pick up the receiver, power dialling ends.
If power dialling is not successful, the telephone automatically cancels the function after 10 minutes.
If interruptions occur (for example, calls that are initiated in the meantime), this time period will accordingly extend.
COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V08 12/2020