Functions > Call Forwarding > Function Key for Call Forwarding for External Phone Numbers

Function Key for Call Forwarding for External Phone Numbers
Press the key assigned to Call fwd.: MSN/DDI to switch call forwarding of external numbers for the configured destination on or off.
In addition, when functions are assigned on the first key level, the status of the function is indicated by the corresponding LED.
Important: When operating the function via the key, the success/failure of the operation is indicated by a change in colour on the LED. During the configuration in the public exchange (this takes from a few seconds up to a minute), the LED blinks yellow.
Requirements for using the function:
Features to be configured by the network provider (fwd, keypad) permission granted in the PBX
Proceed as follows by assigning the function key:
For further information about the general procedures when assigning function keys, see Function Keys.
Additional settings for this function key are described in the following.
Forwarding type 
unconditional: "call forwarding (unconditional)" function for the external numberSelection of the system telephony account
on busy: "call forwarding (on busy)" function the external number
not responding: call forwarding (if not responding)" function for the external number
decide each time a key is pressed
Forwarding configuration 
current configuration: Call forwarding for external numbers is switched on or off or switched over only in the current configuration
permanent configuration: Call forwarding for external numbers is switched on or off or switched over in the permanent configuration
decide each time a key is pressed
Selection of the system telephony account
MSN/DDI to redirect 
Enter the external number of the PBX (without the exchange line access number and without the area code
Forwarding destination 
Enter destination number
Important: If the automatic exchange line request is disabled, the forwarding destination must always be entered with exchange line access number. If the automatic exchange line request number is enabled, the exchange line access number must always be entered without exchange line access number.

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V08 12/2020