Functions > Waiting Field Function (System Telephone) > Configuring a Waiting Field

Configuring a Waiting Field
You configure a waiting field as described below:
Before you can operate the waiting field with multiple waiting field receptions, a group must be configured and selected as the waiting field reception. The maximum number of waiting field receptions is limited by the number of possible group members.
If multiple system telephones have been configured and enabled as waiting field receptions, more than one employee can operate the waiting field at the same time. Incoming calls and waiting callers are then signalled in all the waiting field receptions. However, if someone is talking to a caller in one of the waiting field receptions, this caller is not signalled in the other waiting field receptions.
In each waiting field reception, you will need to assign the Shared line function to one or more function keys (waiting field keys). These keys are then used to monitor and process the exchange line calls.

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V08 12/2020