Basic Knowledge > Apps > All Apps

All Apps
Tap on to display all the Apps and Widgets installed on the telephone.
Important: Some functions are only available when used on a PBX. These functions must first be configured in the PBX. It may be necessary to grant permission to use the functions.
Note: You can configure the structure of the telphones functions. The upper list shows only one of the possible alternatives.
Important: Some functions are only available when used on a PBX. These functions must first be configured in the PBX. It may be necessary to grant permission to use the functions.
Important: Instant Messaging is only available if you are using the COMpact 4000, COMpact 5000/R, COMpact 5200/R, COMpact 5500R and COMmander 6000/R/RX PBXs. The PBX must be running a firmware version as of 6.4A to support this app.
Installing Additional Apps
Installing apps is easy in the App Shop (see Introduction to the Telephone > Apps> All Apps> App Provisioning section).
In the App Shop you can install apps of unknown origin, which you obtained, for example, via the App Shop, from web pages, e-mails or other sources, on your telephone.
Caution: Apps and files downloaded from the Internet may contain viruses which can damage your telephone.
To protect your telephone and your personal data, we strongly recommend you only download apps and files from trustworthy sources.
Note: Click  > Settings > Device > Apps > Manage apps > All > < app name> to check, which of your telephone's functions and which personal data an app can access.
To install apps of unknown origin:
Go to  > Settings > Personal > Security > Device administration and click the Unknown sources check box.
File managers can find and install files in *apk format that are stored on the memory card.
You find sources for downloading apps on the Internet under the search string apk download. Copy the files (*.apk) from your PC onto the data storage device. Use the file manager installed on the telephone to install the files.
Alternatively you can also search the files with the browser in the telephone, and download them. After you have finished downloading the files, tap on Downloads to display them in a list. Then tap on a file to start installing it.

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V08 12/2020