Voice Mailboxes on the PBX > Message List

Message List
Message list of the voice mailbox
The message list of the voice mailbox is where the messages recorded by the voice mailbox and/or voice memos, with the time and date of their recording, and also the phone number of the caller/communication partner are saved. The recordings are numbered consecutively. The last/latest recording is assigned the number 1.
You can return the call of someone who has called you directly from the message list.
From the message list you can also access the following functions:
Message list of the fax box
The message list of the fax box is where the messages received by the fax box, with the time and date of their receipt, and also the phone number of the sender are saved. The telefaxes are numbered consecutively. The last/latest telefax is assigned the number 1.
From the message list you can also access the following functions:

COMfortel 1400 IP/2600 IP/3600 IP - Firmware V2.8 - Advanced Information V08 12/2020