Proceed as follows:
Separately for groups
Using the Configuration Manager (page Groupes > Propriétés)
Select the group you want to display/configure.
*Important: The settings done are only valid on the condition that they are not overridden by a profile. The simultaneous display takes place on page Groupes > Propriétés under Surmodulé par le biais du profil dans la configuration.
*Note: [Name configuration] ...: In the displayed configuration, the function is overridden by the displayed setting. Configuration using the Configuration Manager (page Groupes > Profils > ...)
*Note: faculté libre: The function is currently not overridden by a profile.
*Note: (non commandé par le profil): The function can not be overridden by a profile.
Présentation du numéro de téléphone (interne)
Numéros de téléphone de groupes
All group members logged in as outgoing will present the group number for internal outgoing calls. If the group is internally called the subscriber number is transferred back.
Numéro de téléphone d’abonné
All group members logged in as outgoing will present their own subscriber number for internal outgoing calls.
Demande préalable et surveillance de l’interception d’appel
VoIP end device which can evaluate the available information by BLF
VoIP phone from another manufacturer: Pack confort SIP / Pack confort SIP brand plus enabled (optional, see Technical Data in the Instructions)
All information about the incoming calls of the group is available for evaluation by BLF.
*Note: When switched off, no phone numbers of the group‘s calls are transmitted by BLF.
Interception de tous les appels passés aux membres du groupe
A member of this group can pick up calls to the phone number of the group as well as direct calls to individual members of the group.
*Note: When switched off, group members can only pick up direct calls to the phone number of the group.
Liste d’appels centrale
Calls saved in the caller list are automatically refreshed for all group members. That means, if a connection is established (incoming or outgoing) from a group member to a caller in the caller list, the phone number is deleted from the caller lists of the other group members, too.