Own Files
Proceed as follows:
Using the Configuration Manager (Page Fonctions > Music on Hold and Announcements > Gestion des fichiers)
capacité mémoire
The combined total size of all audio files (*.wav) stored in the PBX must be less than 20 MB. The amount of memory already used, and the remaining capacity, are displayed (in MB and as a percentage).
This list is where you manage the audio files you have created for the different PBX functions. You can use an external programme to create the audio files and then import them. Alternatively, you can record the announcements one of the PBX's internal phones (see Short reference). You can then assign the following file names to the audio files you create for the different functions:
AudioIn_MoH.wav (music on hold)
Phone_Alarm_x.wav (announcement for alarm)
Phone_Auto_x.wav (announcement for automatic reception)
Phone_Hold_Line.wav (announcement for music on hold)
Phone_TvM_x.wav (announcement for announcement before answering)
Phone_Wakeup_x.wav (announcement for wake-up function)
emergency_call_not_possible_de.wav (announcement for emergency call)
A suitable programme is used to open the audio file. The file is then either played or saved to a (PC) data storage device.
Deletes the entries marked in the list.
The audio file (*.wav) stored on a (PC) data storage device is selected and imported.
*Note: The audio files (*.wav) must have the following properties: Format: 8-bit, A-law, 8 kHz, mono and file name containing 32 characters.
*Note: In the Internet, you can convert the audio files into the audio format required for the PBX (see Auerswald Audio Converter). For example, use the Audio Converter to convert audio files (*.mp3, *.wav or *.raw) into G.711 (*.wav) audio format.