Messagerie vocale
As an answering machine the voice mailbox accepts incoming calls and stores recorded messages as audio files (*.wav). Announcement texts can be assigned for each box.
The configuration of the box can be as follows:
•Configuring the maximum recording capacity (MB).
•Enabling the automatic clean-up.
•Configuring additional properties (Message forwarding, Automatic replay of new messages, Remote access, Language of the announcements, E-mail transfer on incoming message, if memory is full or in case of failure of automatic clean-up).
•Enabling Call pick-up for the voice mailbox and the Groups(s)/Voice mailbox(es) authorisation for the owners/users under Pick-up (Abonnés (Abo) > Propriétés > Droits).
•Selecting further users and enabling or disabling their authorisations (Administrate announcements and settings).
•Recording box own announcements or saving existing announcements in the PBX.
•Assigning a profile.
•Configuring Réponse aux appels/Annonce, provided that no profile was assigned or settings have been made in the profile that can be switched by the user.
•Switching the readiness permanently on.
•Creating the external call distribution (Réseaux publics > Acheminement des appels).
•To forward calls for the owner/user (subscriber/group) to the voice mailbox, the voice mailbox has to be switched on for a subscriber/a group and the time/requirements for an additional call have to be configured.
Proceed as follows for configuration:
•Configuration of a voice mailbox.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés)
•Switching voice mailbox for a subscriber/group on/off.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Abonnés (Abo) > Configurer > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie)
•Switching info call on/off.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Abonnés (Abo) > Numéros de téléphone > Configurer > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie)