Configuring Analogue Door Terminals
Proceed as follows:
Using the Configuration Manager (page Devices > Device wizard > Configure)
Relay X, Switch input X
Enter the names of the relays and switch inputs.
DTMF sequence
Expert settings
Enter the request that is assigned to the door bell button within the door terminal. Possible entries: Digits and characters (Possible entries: *, #).
Destination number
Select or enter the required call destination (external number, short-code number, internal number of the individual phone, internal number of the group).
* Note: The call destination is first entered identically for all configurations. It can be changed later.
* Note: If a door call should also be executed via VoIP accounts or GSM gateways, in any case the external number must be entered with the corresponding city code, even if it is the local prefix.
* Note: To create further configurations for a door terminal, open the page Devices > Door terminals and click Configure in the line of the corresponding door terminal.