Phoning > Incoming Calls > Taking over a Call (Call Take-over)
Taking over a Call (Call Take-over)
If the answering machine has already taken the call, you can perform a call take-over to take the call on your own phone.
Proceed as follows:
Using a character string on the internal phone
Using the menu/function key on a system phone (optional, see the phone manual)

Call take-over enabled for the subscriber
To perform call take-over of an external call: Exchange line authorisation assigned to the subscriber for incoming calls (International, National, City or only incoming, with emergency call)

If the answering machine has already taken the call, proceed as follows:
1.Pick up the receiver.
* Note: During an existing call press the Flash key or the Query key.
2.Dial ##06.
3.Enter the internal number of the answering machine that is conducting the call to be picked up. Possible entries:
Internal number of the individual answering machine (for exchange line request type Direct exchange line phone: with preceding **)
Internal number of the group (for exchange line request type Direct exchange line phone: with preceding **)