Profiles can be created for subscribers, groups, and Voice mail and fax boxes. These profiles control the behaviour by determining the properties. In this way, analogue behaviour can be reached via the configuration-dependent assignment of profiles. When creating the profiles, it can be determined whether the individual settings from the profile can be changed via the properties of the subscriber, group, or the boxes or not.
Proceed as follows for configuration:
Create profiles for subscribers and assign them depending on the configuration.
-Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
-Subscriber (scr.) > Profiles > Configuration
-Subscriber (scr.) > Profiles > Profile assignment
Create profiles for groups and assign them depending on the configuration.
-Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
-Groups > Profiles > Configuration
-Groups > Profiles > Profile assignment
Create profiles for voicemail and fax boxes and assign them depending on the configuration.
-Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
-Devices > Voice mail and fax boxes > Profiles > Configuration
-Devices > Voice mail and fax boxes > Profiles > Profile assignment