Proceed as follows:
Separately for profiles
Using the Configuration Manager
Profile-related (page Abonnés (Abo) > Profils > Configuration > Configurer)
Configuration de profil
Select the profile you want to display/configure.
Function-related (page Abonnés (Abo) > Profils > Synthèse des fonctions)
Opens the configuration of the single function for all profiles.

Réglage commandé par le profil
The profile setting overrides the subscriber setting.
* Note: When switched off, the setting under Abonnés (Abo) > Propriétés applies.
Commutation des relais et des alarmes
The subscriber can switch relays and alarms manually.
Commande du système par téléphone
The subscriber may change settings of the PBX (e. g. do-not-disturb) using a menu/function key or a character string.
Ouvrir la porte
The subscriber may not open a door.
The subscriber can phone with the selected door and open the door by pressing a key.
Toutes les portes
The subscriber can phone with all doors and open the doors by pressing a key.
Paramétrage des caractéristiques au niveau de l’exploitant de réseau (transf., clavier)
The subscriber can
forward the own external number via phone.
switch the permanent configuration on/off using a character string.
send keypad information to the network provider.
Configuration of Scr CF to external numbers
The subscriber can forward the associated external number to an external destination.
Transfer of external calls externally
The subscriber can transfer a call between two external subscribers.
CF (groups) / Follow me
The subscriber can
switch group properties of groups which the subscriber is a member of.
switch on Follow-me.