Line Connection
Proceed as follows:
Separately for analogue ports
Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > Analogue > Phone numbers > Configure)
External analogue port (optional, see Technical Data in the Instructions)
Select the analogue connection to be displayed/configured.
Waiting for dial tone
Before the PBX dials a phone number it checks whether a dial tone has been sent from the public exchange. It starts dialling as soon as it detects a dial tone for 200 milliseconds
This function prevents the PBX dialling the wrong number by starting dialling too early if the public exchange takes too long to play the external dial tone it generates.
* Note: Disable this setting if the dial tone cannot be sent clearly by the public exchange and, as a result, cannot be identified by the PBX.
Waiting time (3-30 seconds)
The waiting time for a line connection setting specifies the time (in seconds) after which the PBX stops establishing the connection if it does not recognise a dial tone, although the wait for dial tone setting is enabled.
If the wait for dial tone setting is disabled, the PBX starts dialling after approximately 4 seconds.
Transmit line access code automatically (0-9, *, #)
The number/character string entered here is automatically added to the selected phone number as a prefix.
This is needed if the public exchange always requires a specific leading number/character string that is not part of the phone number.
Detect line access code and wait (0-9)
A dialling pause of 3 seconds is inserted automatically after the PBX dials the number/character string entered here.
This is needed if the public exchange requires a pause after the specified line access code is dialled.
Loop current detection
The loop current detection function to detect the network provider's line connection
The PBX checks whether loop current is present on the line on which the call is to be made.
* Note: If loop current is detected, the line is used.
* Note: If no loop current is detected, the PBX treats the line as if it is either not enabled or not present.