Transfer of System E-Mails
Proceed as follows:
Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > System messages)
configured outgoing mail server
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > E-mail > Outgoing Mail Server)
configured DNS server
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > IP Configuration)
Outgoing mail server
Select the outgoing mail server that will be used to send system e-mails.
System e-mails are sent by the default outgoing mail server.
Send e-mail in HTML format
System e-mails are sent in HTML format.
* Note: When switched off, system e-mails are sent in text format.
Language file
Select the language file whose text modules are to be used for system e-mails.
* Note: If you have created under Administration > E-mail > Internationalisation > New a user-defined language file and select it, the e-mails will be sent with the text modules of the selected language file.
URL format for hyperlinks
Select the format for the link in system e-mails to the system message overview on the Monitoring > System messages page.
with IPv4 address
Link starts with https: and the PBX's IPv4 address.
with IPv6 address
Link starts with https: and the PBX's IPv6 address (if present).
A URL prefix defined by the user is set.
URL prefix
user-defined URL format
network-specific part of the URL which comes before the device-specific part of the URL. This enables you to call hyperlinks from a phone that is not on the PBX's internal network.
Example: Input for this link
Select the logo to be used on system e-mails.
Message recipients E-mail address 1
E-mail address to which system e-mails are sent. Up to 10 e-mail addresses can be entered here.
@ Testen
Send a test e-mail to the specified message recipients.