Setting Options
The PBX supports sub-system operation on a higher-level PBX, for example to connect an external office to headquarters.
At least one free internal VoIP channel for the main PBX
At least one free external VoIP channel for the subordinate PBX
Proceed as follows to configure the main PBX:
Creating VoIP subscribers in the main PBX.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Subscriber (scr.) > Phone numbers > New)
* Note: The corresponding subscribers in main and subordinate PBX must have the same internal phone number.
-Module/Port: VoIP
-Device type: Standard VoIP phone
Switching internal phone on for each subscriber.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Subscriber (scr.) > Phone numbers > Configure > Settings)
-Exchange line request: Internal phone
Proceed as follows to configure the subordinate PBX:
Creating subscribers in the subordinate PBX.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Subscriber (scr.) > Phone numbers > New)
* Note: The corresponding subscribers in main and subordinate PBX must have the same internal phone number.
Switching direct exchange line phone on for each subscriber.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Subscriber (scr.) > Phone numbers > Configure > Settings)
-Exchange line request : Direct exchange line phone
* Note: If the PBs are to be linked via a STUN server, set STUN server for the connection of external VoIP subscribers (page Administration > VoIP configuration.
Make the following settings for the provider „Auerswald“.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > VoIP > Provider > Configure)
-Domain : IP address of main PBX
-Registrar : IP address of main PBX
-Sub-system operation
-Format of called phone number: Send as dialled
-Format of own phone number: Without country code (e. g. 05306...)
-Number presentation type: In the display text
-Method of number presentation suppression: Anonymous
Configure a VoIP account for each subscriber.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > VoIP > Accounts > New)
-Provider name: Auerswald
-Account name : Freely selectable name for identification of the account
-Connection type: PTMP connection
Entering access data for each VoIP account subscriber.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > VoIP > Accounts > Configure)
-Exchange line access number (account number): 2- to 4-digit number
-User name: Internal phone number of the VoIP subscriber of the main PBX
-Password: PIN of the VoIP subscriber of the main PBX
* Note: We recommend to use a password for remote extensions.
-Account has emergency call ability disabled:
Assigning each subscriber to the corresponding account.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > VoIP > Accounts > Configure > New)
-Multiple subscriber number (MSN): Subscriber‘s phone number
Switching on automatic assignment of the preferred exchange lines.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Subscriber (scr.) > Phone numbers > Configure > Exchange line settings > Preferred exchange line business: Automatica assignment)
Creating call distribution.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > Call distribution)
-Call distribution for: VoIP PTMP connections and account name
-Internal no. | name: Assign internal phone numbers one-to-one to MSNs