VoIP settings
Proceed as follows:
separately for subscribers
Using the Configuration Manager
Subscriber-related (page Subscriber (scr.) > Properties
Abonné page)
Select the subscriber you want to display/configure.
Function-related (page Subscriber (scr.) > Function overview
Configurer page)
Opens the configuration of the individual functions for all subscribers.
* Important: The settings done are only valid on the condition that they are not overridden by a profile. The simultaneous display takes place only on page Subscriber (scr.) > Properties under Surmodulé par le biais du profil dans la configuration.
* Note: [Name configuration] ...: In the displayed configuration, the function is overridden by the displayed setting. Configuration using the Configuration Manager (page Subscriber (scr.) > Profiles > ... page)
* Note: faculté libre: The function is currently not overridden by a profile.
* Note: (non commandé par le profil): The function cannot be controlled with a profile.
Subscriber is a VoIP end device
Tampon de gigue
Specifies the size of the jitter buffer in milliseconds (duration of the audio signals). In this time period RTP packets are cached (lower values = lower number, greater values = greater number). Delays in the transmission and loss of packets can be compensated that way.
Compensation de l’écho
The system compensates for local echoes and reverberation effects during internal VoIP calls.
Permettre des messages de mise à jour
If the function is enabled and Recherche de nom en ligne is activated, the name will be updated while the connection is being set up.
When Blind Transfer is activated and the function is enabled, the name as well as the telephone number will be updated while the connection is being set up.
* Note: In the event of problems while the connection is being set up, this function should be disabled as a possible cause.
Chiffrement RTP
Allows an exception from the default settings of the PBX for the corresponding VoIP subscriber. The default setting is Adopt from Administration - > SIPS/SRTP internal (default).
Applying the exception is required if:
The corresponding phone does not support the settings of the PBX. This may cause problems e.g., during a call being established.
You must circumvent the settings of the PBX for test purposes or trouble shooting.
* Note: The settings of the PBX for the corresponding subscriber and the settings of the phone must match.
Adopt from Administration - > SIPS/SRTP internal (default)
The PBX setting applies for the subscriber.
Seulement chiffré
Example: SRTP is not enabled in the PBX. The phone requires an enabled SRTP.
Seulement non crypté
Example: SRTP is enabled in the PBX. The phone does not support SRTP.
Format of transferred telephone number
The PBX supports several formats to display the country code of incoming calls on the display of the VoIP phone being called, e. g. adjusted to a small display.
* Note: With the phones COMfortel 3200/3500 and COMfortel D-series, the format country code with leading + sign (e. g. + 49 5306) cannot be used.
Properties in the phone | Configurer
The Configuration Manager of the phone opens.
* Note: For a handset of the COMfortel M-5x0 device type, the Web Configurator of the base station to which this device is assigned opens.
Affecter l’adresse MAC du périphérique
The MAC address of a phone is needed to identify a phone that is assigned to a specific subscriber. For all transactions between phone and PBX the PBX must be able to identify the MAC address of the phone so that the phone can be matched to a subscriber and his/her provisioning data.
Périphériques trouvés
Select one of the existing MAC adresses.
Périphériques affectés
MAC adresses already assigned to the subscribers.
manual assignement
Enter manually (only digits) or take over a MAC adress after reading with a bar code scanner.
The MAC address of a device can be found as follows:
Retrieving from a client certificate sended by the phone
Reading with a bar code scanner enabled and connected to the computer (e. g. via a USB interface)
Reading e. g. on the menu oft the phone or on a label
* Note: If a MAC address has been entered and assigned to a subscriber, the corresponding phone can already be provided with provisioning data during its first boot process.
IPUI (only COMfortel M-5x0)
IPUI actuel
The IPUI already assigned to this subscriber.
IPUI libre
Selection of an unassigned IPUI for this subscriber.
COMfortel WS-500 (only COMfortel M-5x0)
Assignment of this subscriber to a specific base station.
Fichier d’en-tête
Display of the header file which is assigned to the subscriber.
Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Provisioning d’IP > Gestion des fichiers)
Fichier de provisioning
Display of the provisioning file which is assigned to the subscriber.
Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Provisioning d’IP > Gestion des fichiers)