Call Acceptance/Announcements
Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphérique > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés)
Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie
Select the voice mailbox for which the settings are to be made.
* Note: If a voice mailbox that is already configured for the function Enregistrement de l'appel is selected, call acceptance and announcements are not available for this type of box. Therefore, this page Call acceptance/announcements is not displayed. The function Enregistrement de l'appel is available only in certain countries.
Switches the readiness on.
Switches readiness off.
dépendant de la configuration
The setting made in the profile (page Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Profils > Configuration) assigned to the currently valid configuration will apply.
Assistant personnel
Corresponding announcement saved in the PBX
Enabled Disponibilité of the voice mailbox
* Note: This setting is also possible configuration-dependent via profiles (Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Profils > Configuration > Consulter).
A caller can set up a connection to a deputy. For this purpose, the caller dials 1 via DTMF during the announcement or recording phase.
Numéro de téléphone composé
Enter an internal or external phone number.
* Note: For an external number that has less than five digits, the local area code should additionally be entered.
Annonce et fonction d’assistant personnel
Select an announcement that is replayed for callers if the deputy function is enabled.
Réponse aux appels/Annonce
The call acceptance of the voice mailbox can be configured to show different behaviour for different call types. The Réponse aux appels/Annonce defines the standard behaviour for the case that no Comportement spécifique à l’appel applies.

Disponibilité enabled
Disabled Replacement function
If Annonce de la boîte is selected: the corresponding announcement saved in the PBX
* Note: This settings is also possible configuration-dependent via profiles (Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Profils > Configuration > Consulter).
aucune réponse aux appels
All calls not controlled via Comportement spécifique à l’appel will not be accepted. The caller hears the call tone.
Rejeter l’appel
All calls not controlled via Comportement spécifique à l’appel will not be accepted. The caller hears the busy signal (subscriber/group will not be called additionally) or the call tone (subscriber/group will be called).
Default announcement
All calls not controlled via Comportement spécifique à l’appel will be accepted. The announcement of the selected language file will be replayed (see Langue des annonces under Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés > Paramètres de boîte).
Annonce de la boîte
Select one of the available options in the list field on the right.

The caller can leave a message and the option Enregistrer des messages courts can be enabled.
Enregistrer des messages courts
The phone number of the caller is displayed even when the caller does not leave a message or hangs up during the announcement.
Page Données des utilisateurs > Messages
Page Messages (boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie)
* Note: The voice mailbox only records calls for which a caller leaves a message (of more than two seconds).
Call-specific behaviour (exception table)
The call acceptance of the voice mailbox can be configured to show different behaviour for different call types.
* Note: If the call-specific behaviour is permanently set in a configuration by means of a profile, the corresponding table can be viewed. Click the corresponding profile name which is displayed in red font. The corresponding profile configuration is displayed.

Separately for voice mailboxes
Separately for configurations
Using the Configuration Manager
* Note: This setting is also possible configuration-dependent via profiles (Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Profils > Configuration > Consulter).
Type d’appel
appels anonymes
Call acceptance for calls without transferred phone number.
appels internes
Call acceptance for internal calls.
Appels d’interphone
Call acceptance for door calls.
appels externes
Call acceptance for external calls.
Call acceptance for calls from the entered phone number range (Ext. phone number/range, e. g. 00 for calls from abroad).

Réponse aux appels
Par défaut
For call acceptance see Réponse aux appels/Annonce under Comportement par défaut.
aucune réponse aux appels
No reaction on calls, the caller hears the call tone.
Rejeter l’appel
The caller hears the busy signal (subscriber/group will not be called additionally) or the call tone (subscriber/group will be called).
Default announcement
The announcement of the selected language file will be replayed (see Langue des annonces under Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés > Paramètres de boîte). (No further action is required.)
Annonce de la boîte
The announcement of the voice mailbox selected in the Annonce list field (Announcement 1 to 10) will be replayed.
The caller can leave a message. The setting for Enregistrer des messages courts also applies to the call-specific behaviour.