Buch1 > Functions, Uses, Concepts > Voice mail and fax boxes > Fax Transfer > Configuring the Printer Driver COMpact/COMmander Fax
Configuring the Printer Driver COMpact/COMmander Fax
Before transferring the first fax using the COMpact/COMmander Fax printer driver, at least one fax box of the PBX has to be configured in the printer driver.

Installed printer driver COMpact/COMmander Fax

1.To open the printer driver, print a test document, e. g. a Word document, using the print function of the PC programme. Via the printer selection, select the printer driver COMpact/COMmander Fax.
2.If necessary, enter a name for your identification in the entry field Name of the fax box.
* Note: It is appropriate to use the same name that has been assigned for the fax box in the Configuration Manager of the PBX.
3.In the Subscriber / Group number entry field, enter the internal number of the owner of the fax box in question.
4.In the User Password entry field, enter the password of the subscriber or of the group member in question.
* Important: By enabling the check box Display PIN, the entered password will be displayed uncoded. In order to ensure that a password cannot be viewed by unauthorised persons, a user should always lock the access to his/her PC or completely log off his/her PC when leaving the room.
5.In the Network address entry field, enter the IP address of the PBX.
* Note: By clicking Check the login data are checked. A window opens displaying the check result. Click OK to close this window.
6.Select or clear the check box Prefix automatically for the exchange line access number of the fax number of the recipient.
7.In the Exchange line access number entry field, enter the exchange line access number of the PBX.
8.If necessary, click New and repeat steps 2 to 7 in order to configure another fax box of the PBX in the printer driver.
9.Click OK.
10.Click Close.