Buch1 > Functions, Uses, Concepts > Hotel Function
Hotel Function
The hotel function offers room and call data management with the following functions:
Hotel reception phones
The hotel reception phone supports various control and query functions via the display and the LEDs of the function keys. For each room, a function key is set up on the reception desk, via which various functions can be performed.
Before check-in, the room status (cleaned, unclean, blocked) can be checked and changed.
As soon as check-in is complete, the following configuration and query functions can be used.
Call charge queries including check-in date
Interim call charge calculation printout
Wake-up time configuration
External access block
Hotel room phones
When used as a hotel room phone, the programming and transferring functions as well as spezific call initiation types are blocked on the devices. The guest can initiate and accept calls and configure a wake-up time. The cleaning staff can also indicate the room status.
In addition, the administrator can prevent the initiation of calls between room phones (Room2Room).
The function of the hotel room phone are operated the same way as described for normal phones. Exception: A function key assigned with Hotel room allows the configuration of a wake-up time as well as the inquiry of the call costs and the check-in time.
The following functions are still possible:
Making and excepting internal and external calls
Deleting data and call charges (this does not affect the call charge counter on the PBX)
The use of the caller/call/redial list as well as of the phone book (parts of the phone book can be blocked in the phone)
Scheduled call/reminders and power dialling
Call charge query and wake-up time configuration using a function key
Print function
Via the hotel reception phone the incurred call costs of a guest can be printed out as an invoice or interim bill with itemized bill of identification.

Hotel function enabled (optional, see activation)
ISDN System phone, that supports function keys for reception phones (optional, see the phone manual)
Proceed as follows for configuration:
Selecting reception and room phones.
-Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
-Functions > Hotel function > Hotel reception subscribers
-Functions > Hotel function > Room subscribers
* Note: The system phone cannot be used at the same time as waiting field reception phone and as hotel reception phone.
* Note: To ensure that the costs are fully charged to the hotel guest in the case he wants his call to be transferred, the function Call charge recording changes with scr (page Functions > Call allowance accounts) for the hotel reception phone function must be enabled.
* Note: To ensure that the hotel always remains available by phone, the hotel reception phones can be grouped together and one or more call channels can be reserved for them. Alternatively, exchange line authorisations for only a part of the available external ports can be assigned to the hotel room phones.
Configuring the printing function.
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Functions > Hotel function > Create print form)
Configuring a hotel room function key for each hotel room phone (optional, see the phone manual).
* Note: During the check-in or check-out process, the hotel reception phone is not available for incoming calls. Fir such cases, Call forwarding on busy should be configured.
* Note: If unsuccessful calls are to be documented in the hotel reception phone, the recording of the internal calls in the caller list must be enabled.
Assigning a room key on each hotel room phone for call charge queries and for setting up wake-up times (optional, see the phone‘s manual).
* Note: The value configured in the system phone for cost per call unit (optional, see the phone‘s manual) should match that in the Configuration Manager.
Configuring the SFTP transfer and switch on the SFTP server if an evaluation programme shall have access to the provided data (e. g. call data list).
-Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > IP configuration > SFTP server)