Management VoIP Account
Proceed as follows:
• Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > Voice over IP (VoIP page) > Accounts)
Provider name
VoIP provider with whom the account was set up.
Account name
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the account within the PBX.
Connection type
Connection type to be used with the account.
PTMP connection
VoIP account with multiple subscriber numbers (MSNs)
PTP connection
VoIP account with a PBX base number and extension numbers (DDI numbers)
The PBX uses the account for external calls.
Opens the configuration of the VoIP account.
* Further help under Settings for the VoIP Accounts
Adds a new account to the account list. You must then make the settings for the VoIP account.
Deletes the entries marked in the list.