Settings CLIP Texts
CLIP texts can be configured for the following calls and functions:
•Rappels CCBS
The configured CLIP text is displayed on system phones during a callback on busy.
•Rappels CCNR
The configured CLIP text is displayed on system phones during a callback on no reply.
•Appels d’alarme
The configured CLIP text is displayed on system phones during an alarm call.
•Appels de réveil
The configured CLIP text is displayed on analogue phones during a wake-up call.
•Exchange line reservation
The configured CLIP text is displayed on analogue phones during a call to signal that a line that was previously busy has become available.
The configured CLIP text is displayed on analogue phones during a call that signals the LAN-TAPI function.
The configured CLIP text is displayed on analogue phones during a callback (on busy or on no reply).
Proceed as follows:
•Using the Configuration Manager (page Fonctions > Textes CLIP)
•System phone or analogue phone with alphanumerical CLIP information
•Phone number display (CLIP): Infos CLIP and Infos CLIP étendues enabled for the analogue subscriber