The PBX supports the following e-mail functions:
•System e-mails
•Forwarding of voicemail and fax messages
The settings described here must be made centrally in the PBX and can then be freely assigned to the individual e-mail functions of the PBX.
You can configure up to four outgoing mail servers in the PBX. They can be freely assigned to the individual e-mail functions of the PBX (system e-mails, forwarding of voicemail and fax messages).
An outgoing mail server is responsible for the transfer of e-mails. You will receive the access data for the outgoing mail server to be used from your Internet service provider, for example.
The PBX supports a large number of logos (limited by the total memory available). These logos can be freely assigned to the individual e-mail functions of the PBX (system e-mails, forwarding of voicemail and fax messages).
For the e-mails to be sent by the PBX, several language files are included in the scope of supply. The PBX supports additional user-defined which can be generated on the basis of the existing language files.
The language files contain several text modules which are used to generate e-mails. The language files are in *.xml format.
Proceed as follows for configuration:
•Configuring an outgoing mail server.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Courrier électronique > Serveur du courrier sortant)
•Assigning an outgoing mail server to a voice mail/fax box.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés > Paramètres de boîte)
•Assigning an outgoing mail server to the system e-mails.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Messages système)
•Managing logos.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Courrier électronique > Gestion des logos)
•Assigning a logo to a voice mail/fax box.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés > Paramètres de boîte)
•Assigning a logo to the system e-mails.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Messages système)
•Managing language files.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Courrier électronique > Internationalisation)
•Assigning a language file to a voice mail/fax box.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés > Paramètres de boîte)
•Assigning a language file to the system e-mails.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Messages système)