Store the Firmware in the PBX (Manual Firmware Update)
Proceed as follows:
•Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Firmwareupdate/restart)
•To restore firmware, to restart and (only COMmander 6000/R/RX) to power down the PBX: By clicking a button on the PBX
Start firmware update
•A firmware file (*.rom) saved on a data storage device (PC)
Note: You can find a new firmware file on the Internet (see Auerswald:
Auerswald Service Portal, FONtevo:
FONtevo Support). Alternatively, you can get a new firmware file from your specialised dealer.
A firmware file (*.rom) is saved in the PBX via the Configuration Manager and the firmware is enabled after a reboot.
Redémarrage automatique
Automatically restarts the PBX after a click on
Importer and enables the firmware. The step
Initiate reboot will be skipped.
Initiate reboot
Restarts the PBX and enables the firmware.
Select and import a firmware file (*.rom) that is stored on a (PC) data storage device.