Internal numbers must be configured for the internal ports so that the connected end devices are accessible. Each connected end device receives a subscriber number.
If multiple internal end devices need to be accessible via a phone number, a common group for the internal subscribers must first be configured.
Internal phone are also needed to make e.g. connections to devices, voip accounts or functions.
Note: It is a good idea to create a dial plan for the internal numbers before allocation and then use the following steps to transmit this to the PBX.
Configuration procedure:
•Create internal phone numbers for subscribers.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Abonnés (Abo) > Numéros de téléphone)
•Create internal phone numbers for groups.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Groupes > Numéros de téléphone)
•Create internal phone numbers for Voice mail and fax boxes.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Numéros de téléphone)
•Create internal phone numbers for Voice mail and fax boxes.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Numéros de téléphone)
•Create internal numbers for alarms.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Périphériques > Alarmes)
•Create internal phone numbers for automatic receptions.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Fonctions > Standard automatiques SVI)
•Create internal numbers for short-code dialling numbers as part of contacts.
−Using the Configuration Manager (Données des utilisateurs > Carnets d’adresses > Contacts et affectation > )