Store Configuration Data in the PBX
Proceed as follows:
•Using the Configuration Manager (page Administration > Sauvegarde de données)
•For automatic upload: Using the PBX
Enregistrer dans le système
Important: Saving an old configuration overwrites the current configuration data.
Note: A configuration file that was created with an older firmware version, may possibly not contain all of the configuration data (for example, data for new functions that were added by a firmware update).
Select and import a configuration file (*.cfg) that is stored on a (PC) data storage device. The following data packages can be selected for import:
•Reprendre les données de configuration (cannot be edited)
•Reprendre les paramètres réseau
•Reprendre les données du système
•Reprendre la musique d’attente et les annonces
•Photos de contact
•COMfortel IP Editor