Emergency Numbers
Proceed as follows:
•Using the Configuration Manager (page Réseaux publics > Appels d’urgence)
Numéros d’appel d’urgence
With the country settings for the location of the PBX (during first commissioning or on the page Administration > Données constructeur et opérateur the country-specific emergency number will be preset. Overall, you can enter up to ten external numbers as emergency call or service phone numbers.
Note: Public emergency numbers, e. g. beginning with 11..., are entered without an area code, which reduces the size of the internal dial plan. For example, if the emergency phone numbers are 110 and 112 this means the internal numbers 110 and 112 and also 1100 to 1109 and 1120 to 1129 are no longer available.
Note: All other emergency numbers are entered with area code.
Note: Some countries (e.g. Denmark, Greece, Luxembourg) do not have a fixed number sequence for their area codes. If this also applies to the location at which the PBX is installed, you do not need to enter an area code.
The name is used for display purposes on the system phone. The name along with the phone number also appears on some pages of the Configuration Manager (e.g. Call data list).
Nouveau Adds a new emergency or service number.
Important: The exchange line access number is never entered when entering emergency or service numbers.
Supprimer Deletes the entries marked in the list.