Loudspeaker Announcements
Proceed as follows:
Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Relais (actionneurs) > Configurer)
Configuration du relais
Select the relay.
Commande d’arrêt
Created relay
The PBX will switch off relays with the operating modes Light, Door opener, Alarm and PC relay after the specified switching duration.
*Note: When switched off, the hold time of the relay will be used. The PBX does not actively switch off the relay.
*Note: As a a pre-requisite, off control must be supported by the relay (for some relays, e. g. the a/b Switching Modules, switching off cannot be controlled).
Plages horaires
The switching duration of a relay specifies after how many seconds the PBX will switch off the relay. Possible entries: 0 to 6000 (0 only for manual relays).
*Note: The switching duration is used for relays with the operating modes Light, Door opener, Alarm, PC relay and Manual relay.
*Note: To enable the PBX to switch off the relay after the specified switching duration, off control must be supported by the relay and be switched on (for some relays, e. g. the a/b Switching Modules, switching off cannot be controlled). Alternatively, the hold time of the relay can be used.
Délai de rétention
If switching off is not to be controlled by the PBx (for some relays, e. g. the a/b Switching Modules, switching off cannot be controlled), the hold time of the relay can be used instead of the switching duration. This will only make sense if the hold time of the relay is sufficiently long, for example for a door opener.
The PBX needs to know how long the relay will be held in order to signalise holding of the relay on the system phones (see the manual of the device in question).
Created relay
Off control switched on for the relay
Enter the hold time of the relay in milliseconds. Possible entries: 10 to 10000 ms.
Relais déclenchable par URL d’action
Provided that the access authorisation to Action URLs is granted system-wide or for a subscriber, the individual relay can be triggered by Action URLs.
Paramètres pour relais analogique
Temps mort
The PBX uses DTMF sequences to control the analogue relays. For this purpose, the PBX needs to know how much time the connected device requires to be ready for reception again after receiving DTMF sequences (see the manual of the device in question).
Created analogue relay
Specifies how many milliseconds the pbx will wait before it sends DTMF sequences to the connected device again. Possible entries: 0 to 10000 milliseconds.
The PBX uses DTMF sequences to control the analogue relays. For this purpose, the PBX needs to know which DTMF sequences the connected device requires to switch the relay on or off (see the manual of the device in question).
Created analogue relay
Activer, Désactiver
Enter DTMF sequences required by the connected device. Possible entries: Digits and the characters * and # and the comma ',' character as a pause of half a second.