Add Subscriber
Proceed as follows:
•Using the Configuration Manager (page Abonnés (Abo) > Numéros de téléphone > Nouveau)
Note: PINs and passwords are automatically assigned to the new subscriber by means of a random number generator (change via page
Abonnés (Abo) > Propriétés). The following passwords must be adapted:
Note: The device type
Combiné sur COMfortel WS-IP requires up to 32 characters (numbers and/or letters - no special characters!).
Ajouter un abonné
This (exchange line access number) is an internal number. You can select any of the numbers in the internal supply of phone numbers. This number is then used for distributing calls and can be called directly by another internal subscriber.
Several subscribers with a contiguous number range can be created in the fields of up to.
Note: Double allocation of a number is not possible.
Note: Using numbers with few digits (two or three-digit numbers) inevitably restricts the possible supply of numbers requiring more digits. For example, if the number 12 is assigned, the numbers 120-129 and 1200-1299 will no longer be available.
Note: The default exchange line access number on the PBX is 0 in the factory settings. However, this can be changed. Note that changing the exchange line access number restricts the dial plan.
Note: The internal number entered here needs to be entered in the ISDN device or in the system phone as the (first) MSN. Also on an ISDN device, make sure that the phone number is transmitted to the PBX.
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the subscriber within the PBX and the connected system phones. The name can also be transferred to the VoIP end devices via LDAP server.
Module / Port
Module and port to which the end device (e. g. phone) is to be connected.
Type de périphérique
Device type depending on the end device connected.
Analogue end devices |
Téléphone | analogue phone, analogue modem |
Répondeur | analogue answering machine |
Fax | analogue fax machine |
Interphone | analogue door terminal, selection deletes the subscriber and opens Périphériques > Assistant de périphériques for configuration of a door terminal |
Interface de paging | analogue announcement output, selection deletes the subscriber and opens Périphériques > Assistant de périphériques for configuration of an announcement output |
ISDN end devices |
Téléphone dédié RNIS | System phone 1200/1400/1600/2600 |
Téléphone RNIS | ISDN phone in compliance with the Euro ISDN Standard (DSS1) |
Carte PC RNIS | ISDN PC controller in compliance with the Euro ISDN Standard (DSS1) |
Fax | ISDN fax machine in compliance with the Euro ISDN Standard (DSS1) |
VoIP end devices |
COMfortel IP | COMfortel 1400 IP, COMfortel 2600 IP, COMfortel 3200, COMfortel 3500, COMfortel 3600 IP |
COMfortel 1200 IP | COMfortel 1200 IP |
Téléphone VoIP par défaut | Standard VoIP end device (SIP) from other manufacturers, soft phone (SIP) |
COMfortel WS-IP Handset | Handset (e.g. COMfortel M-100/200/210/300/310) on a COMfortel WS-400 IP or COMfortel WS-650 IP |
COMfortel C-400 | Conference phone COMfortel C-400 |
COMfortel WS-500X Handset | Handset (e.g. COMfortel M-510/520/530/710/720/730) on a COMfortel WS-500S or WS-500M |
Interphone | VoIP door terminal, selection deletes the subscriber and opens Périphériques > Assistant de périphériques for configuration of a door terminal |
Affecter l’adresse MAC du périphérique
The MAC address of a phone is needed to identify a phone that is assigned to a specific subscriber. For all transactions between phone and PBX the PBX must be able to identify the MAC address of the phone so that the phone can be matched to a subscriber and his/her provisioning data.
Périphériques trouvés
Select one of the existing MAC adresses.
Périphériques affectés
MAC adresses already assigned to the subscribers.
manual assignement
Enter manually (only digits) or take over a MAC adress after reading with a bar code scanner.
The MAC address of a device can be found as follows:
•Retrieving from a client certificate sended by the phone
•Reading with a bar code scanner enabled and connected to the computer (e. g. via a USB interface)
•Reading e. g. on the menu oft the phone or on a label
Note: If a MAC address has been entered and assigned to a subscriber, the corresponding phone can already be provided with provisioning data during its first boot process.
Fichier de provisioning
The subscriber receives the required configuration via the provisioning file selected here.
Note: A configuration can also be assigned to this and further ssubscribers via the page
Abonnés (Abo) > Provisioning d’IP > Gestion des fichiers.
Note: If a required file is not yet available here, a file must first be created on the page
Abonnés (Abo) > Provisioning d’IP > Gestion des fichiers. There, the file can be assigned to one or more subscribers.
Manufacturer name or product name
Provisioning file already assigned to the manufacturer name/product name.
All other available files.
Files not used by other devices
List of files not yet assigend to a device.
IPUI d’appareil (only COMfortel WS-500X Handsets)
To identify a handset, the IPUI of the handset is used. For all transactions between the handset, base station and PBX, the PBX must be able to determine the IPUI of the handset and use it to assign a handset and its provisioning data to the handset.
IPUI déjà utilisé
IPUI already assigned to another subscriber.
IPUI libre
Selection of an unassigned IPUI.
affectation manuelle
Manual input (digits or letters) or transfer of an IPUI. This can be determined as follows:
•Read out the barcode label on the package with a barcode reader connected to the computer (e.g. via the USB interface)
•Reading from the handset: Press the control button and enter *#06#
•Reading from the package label
Note: If an IPUI is registered and assigned to a subscriber, the corresponding handset can already be supplied with provisioning data during the first boot process.
COMfortel WS-500 station de base (only COMfortel WS-500X Handsets)
The subscriber is assigned to a base station here.
Note: A base station can also be assigned to this and further subscribers via
Abonnés (Abo) > COMfortel WS-500X > COMfortel WS-500X Handsets.