Configuration of the Door Terminal
Proceed as follows:
Separately for door terminals
Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Interphones > Configurer)

Created door terminal
Analogue door terminal
Activer la connexion
Terminer la connexion
Specifies which DTMF sequences the PBX uses to control the analogue door terminal to enable or terminate the connection. For information about which DTMF sequences the connected device requires, see the manual of the device in question.
*Note: You can use the comma ',' character as a pause of half a second.
Temps mort
Specifies how many milliseconds the PBX will wait before it sends DTMF sequences to the door terminal again. For information about how much time the connected device requires to be ready for reception again after receiving DTMF sequences, see the manual of the device in question.
VoIP Door Terminal
Mot de passe SIP
To create a connection with a VoIP door terminal, the PBX needs the SIP password of the connected device (see manual and settings of the device in question).