Box Settings
Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphérique > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Propriétés)
Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie
Select the fax box for which the settings are to be made.
Fax ID
Nom d’expéditeur
Numéro de fax (numéro de téléphone)
The fax ID is inserted into the top line of a fax during the fax transfer and, thus, permits an exact identification of the sender.
*Note: Recipients of a fax frequently send their responses to the number entered in the header of the fax. Therefore, the number under Numéro de fax (numéro de téléphone), should be one of your own extensions/phone numbers with fax acceptance.
Enter a sender name that is to be inserted into the top line of a fax along with the fax ID.
Enter the complete phone number of the own external connection as fax ID. Number in the format +[country prefix][city code][external phone number] (e. g. +495306920094).
Fax transmission
Correction d’erreurs ECM
Transmission errors occurring during the transmission (e. g. because of faulty lines) will be corrected provided that EMC operation (Error Correction Mode) has also been configured for the opposite end.
*Note: If transmission errors occur very often (e. g. overseas lines of VoIP connections with frequent packet losses), the transmission cannot be carried out since the fax machines involved will cancel the transmission due to an excessive number of transmission repetitions. In such cases, it may be sensible to disable EMC error correction. Without EMC error correction, the transmission errors occurred will be displayed as erroneous dots or lines.
9 600 baud maximum
The transmission rate of a fax will be adapted in such a way that a faultless transmission quality will be reached, where possible.
*Note: The PBX supports a maximum transmission rate of 14400 baud. This transmission rate may be too high for specific lines (e. g. overseas lines or VoIP connections) and may lead to transmission interferences. In such cases, it may be sensible to restrict the transmission rate to 9600 baud
Maximum recording capacity
Maximum size of the box
The maximum recording capacity specifies the maximum memory capacity in megabytes (MB) available for the recording of messages of the box.
Enter a value for the recording capacity between 15 and 999 MB. Behind the entry field, it is displayed how much the entered value is in minutes. If no value is entered, the recording capacity is unlimited (maximum memory utilisation).
*Note: Under the following circumstances, the entered value is not available for the box:
There is not enough memory capacity available on the storage media.
The memory capacity on the storage media is utilised by other boxes.
Automatic clean-up
The memory is cleared when a certain fill level is reached.
Effectuer àxx %… memory utilization
If the maximum number of stored messages or the maximum recording capacity of the box (between 50 up to 95 %) is reached, the oldest messages marked as read will be deleted as soon as new messages arrive. Archived messages will not be deleted.
*Note:If the clean-up fails, this information is logged and, if specified, sent as an e-mail.
E-mail transfer
Configured outgoing mail server (under Administration > Courrier électronique > Serveur du courrier sortant)
Serveur du courrier sortant
Par défaut
The e-mails are transferred via the default outgoing mail server.
Nom of an outgoing mail server: The e-mails are transferred via the selected outgoing mail server.
Envoyer le courrier électronique au format HTML
*Note: When switched off, e-mails are sent in text format.
Send on incoming messages
Attach incoming messages as file
*Note: Faxes are provided as *.pdf files.
Marquer le message envoyé comme lu
*Important: If automatic marking as read is enabled, the fax box will be cleaned up automatically. This option should normally be enabled
Envoyer si capacité mémoire
Enter a value between 50 and 90 %. When the amount of memory used exceeds the specified level, this information is sent as an e-mail.
Send in the case of failure of automatic clean-up
If the automatic clean-up fails, an e-mail is sent.
Link to the page Administration > Messages système for specifying how the system reacts to system information.
Send after fax transfer
Disables e-mail transfer after fax transfer.
in the case of errors
Enables e-mail transfer after failed fax transfer.
Enables e-mail transfer after fax transfer.
Attach sent message to file.
Modèle linguistique
Select the language file.
*Note: If you have created under Administration > Courrier électronique > Internationalisation > Nouveau a user-defined language file and select it, the e-mails will be sent with the text modules of the selected language file.
Logo par défaut
The default logo is used.
Name logo
The selected logo is used.
Message recipients
Envoi de courrier électronique @Test
The e-mail addresses of up to 10 message recipients can be entered for e-mail transfer. Subsequently, a test e-mail can be sent to check whether the e-mail transfer to the message recipients entered works without fault.
Configured DNS server (under Administration > Configuration IP)
Configured outgoing mail server (under Administration > Courrier électronique > Serveur du courrier sortant)
*Note: The PBX enters sent e-mails in a log file (page Surveillance > Messages système).
*Note: E-mails sent by the PBX may be treated as spam mail by the recipient of the message.