Management Voice mail and fax boxes
Using the Configuration Manager (page Périphériques > Boîtes de messagerie vocale/télécopie > Numéros de téléphone)
Note: Click the column headings to change the sorting criteria. Click the column headings again to change the sorting order.
•Voice mail and fax function (optional, see
Nouveau Depending on the selection, a new voice mailbox or fax box will be added.After that, the settings for the voice mailbox/fax box must be made.
Select a Messagerie vocale or fax box.
Note: If under
Réseaux publics > Analogue / ISDN / VoIP in the column
Record on the voice mailbox was assigned the marking
*,the box gets its marking here. Therefore, the box can be used for call recordings.
Note: The function
Enregistrement de l'appel is available only in certain countries.
Numéro de téléphoneorNuméro de téléphone de à
You can select any of the numbers in the internal supply of phone numbers.
Single box for one owner
Enter an internal phone number in the entry field deorNuméro de téléphone.
Several boxes for one owner
Enter the lowest phone number of the number range between 10 up to 9999, in the de and enter the highest phone number of the number range in the entry field à.
Note: Double allocation of a number is not possible.
Note: Using numbers with few digits (two or three-digit numbers) inevitably restricts the possible supply of numbers requiring more digits. For example, if the number 12 is assigned, the numbers 120-129 and 1200-1299 will no longer be available.
Note: The default exchange line access number on the PBX is 0 in the factory settings. However, this can be changed. Note that changing the exchange line access number restricts the dial plan.
Freely selectable name. This name is used to identify the box within the PBX and the connected system phones.
Select the internal phone number under subscriber or group that is to be assigned to the box.
An owner can query the box. If the administrator has not refused the access authorisation, the owner can perform the following changes/actions using the Configuration Manager:
•Copying, moving, and deleting messages
•Propriétés of the box not controlled via a profile (except Users/authorisations and the Capacité d’enregistrement maximale)
•Propriétés de la boîte de messagerie vocale/télécopie of the subscribers and groups not controlled via a profile
For a voice mailbox, the owner can additionally perform the following changes/actions:
•Recording, storing in the PBX, reading from the PBX (downloading), listening to and deleting of announcements
•Properties of the box under Réponse aux appels/Annonce that are not controlled via a profile
The following properties of the owner will be applied to the box:
•Exchange line settings of the subscriber or exchange line settings of the group (in a group with the Discrimination: Use the exchange line authorisation of the subscriber, the box does not have any exchange line authorisation).
•Only for subscribers: call allowance account
Note: Boxes can be preconfigured by not assigning an owner to the box. Nevertheless, the boxes cannot be used until an owner is assigned. If voice mailboxes are to be preconfigured for the function
Enregistrement de l'appel, no owner must be assigned to these boxes.
Note: No
Propriétaire can be assigned to a voice mailbox (marked with
*) already set for the function
Enregistrement de l'appel If, at a later point of time, the box is no longer used for call recordings meaning the box is to be used ad answering machine, an owner or several owners can be assigned.
Based on
Select a template from all boxes created so far.
Messagerie vocale
The new voice mailbox obtains all properties of the selected template during creation (except for Users/authorisations, PIN pour l’interrogation à distance and Annonces).
Fax box
The new fax box obtains all properties of the selected template during creation (except for Users/authorisations).
Par défaut
The Paramètres de base are used for the box just created.
1:1 assignment
If you want to be able to see from the number to which internal subscriber or internal group the box belongs, you can assign corresponding box numbers:
•You can add a digit (prefix) for the box numbers to an up to 3-digit internal subscriber/group number.
Example: The subscribers 400, 401, 402, 405, 407 are to be assigned the boxes 7400, 7401, 7402, 7405, 7407.
•If the internal subscriber/group numbers have 4 digits, the box numbers can be created by replacing the first digit.
Example: The subscribers 4400, 4401, 4402, 4405, 4407 are to be assigned the boxes 7400, 7401, 7402, 7405, 7407.
Note: The number range selected for the box numbers needs to be sufficiently large: The number range for the examples (from 7400 to 7407) includes eight numbers, even though only the five corresponding boxes are created.
Note: If the corresponding number range contains an internal number (subscriber, group) which is already owner of a group of the type to be created (voicemail or fax box), no further box will be created for this number.
Note: If the selected number range for the box numbers already contains a corresponding box number, the owner of the box remains the same and a message will be displayed.
Note: If the new owner is not yet an owner of user of another box, the recently created box will automatically be enabled for the subscriber or group.
•Configured internal subscribers and/or groups
•The number range for the numbers of the boxes is still free.
A new box within the box number range
de ...
À must completely be configured. Then the box can be assigned by clicking
Enregistrer > Affectation 1:1.
Box numbers which correspond automatically for different owners are created.
Propriétés Configurer
Opens the configuration page for the box.
The list of boxes is filtered by the entered or selected value.
Supprimer Deletes the entries marked in the list.
Restoring boxes
Due to missing data in on the data storage device (e. g. because of an exchange) or in the database of the PBX, the affected boxes are not ready to use.
The boxes affected by this function are marked with
Missing data on the data storage device
Note: The restoration of the boxes does not include the messages, box-specific announcements and voice files.
Missing data in the database on the PBX
You can restore these boxes using the following data:
•Internal telephone number and name of the box
•Box-specific announcements
Note: Internal numbers must only be assigned once in the PBX. The former phone number of the box to be restored cannot be used if it is still present in the PBX as an internal number (page
Synthèses > Plan de répartition des numéros > Synthèse globale).
Select one of the available options.
Numéro de téléphone
If the phone number is already present, a new internal number between 10 up to 9999 must be entered in the entry field for the box to be restored.
Note: Using numbers with few digits (two or three-digit numbers) inevitably restricts the possible supply of numbers requiring more digits. For example, if the number 12 is assigned, the numbers 120-129 and 1200-1299 will no longer be available.
Note: The default exchange line access number on the PBX is 0 in the factory settings. However, this can be changed. Note that changing the exchange line access number restricts the dial plan.
If necessary, select the internal phone number of the owner.