ISDN Connection
The existing ISDN can be connected to the external S0 ports of the PBX (optional, see Technical Data in the Instructions).
Proceed as follows for configuration:
•Configuring the connection type for the ISDN connection.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Hardware > Port configuration)
•Configuring the PTMP connection and entering phone numbers.
−Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
−Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > PTMP connection
−Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > PTMP connection > Configure
•Configuring the PTP connection and entering phone numbers.
−Using the Configuration Manager (on the following pages)
−Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > PBX base numbers/trunk bundles
−Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > PBX base numbers/trunk bundles > Configure
−Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > Extension numbers PTP connection
•Creating a call distribution for the ISDN connection.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > Call Distribution)
•If necessary, entering additional numbers for the PTP connection.
−Using the Configuration Manager (page Public switched tel. networks > ISDN > Additional PBX base numbers)